From 2011 onwards the baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, will begin their transition out of the workforce and into retirement.
As they do so, they will be looking for opportunities in fitness, sports, outdoors, arts and cultural events and other activities that suit their vibrant lifestyles.
With their varied life experiences, values, and expectations, baby boomers are predicted to redefine the meaning of recreation and leisure programming for mature adults.
Though many researchers have forecast the boomers’ impact on the future, only Leisure Programming for Baby Boomers addresses key information that recreation and leisure professionals need in order to make programme decisions with baby boomers in mind.
The book combines research, programming and marketing expertise to provide insights into the values and lifestyle choices of boomers and offer programming and marketing strategies to reach this large and influential population.
In this demand-driven occupation, recreation professionals must be prepared to market and deliver a wide range of leisure opportunities to serve the boomer generation.
Is your recreation or leisure programme ready? If not Leisure Programming for Baby Boomers will help you understand the unique profile of this affluent generation and respond with creative programmes that will add value and quality to the leisure lives of this new generation of mature and active adults.
Please note, desk copies are not available for this publication.
Price: £22.00 I €24.20
Posted in Academic News, Books, Fitness News Tagged: Baby Boomers, Creative arts, culture, Fitness, Health and Fitness, Leisure, outdoor activities, programming, Recreation, Recreation Management, sports